SEC Announces Interagency Securities Council

In July, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Division of Enforcement announced the launch of the Interagency Securities Council (ISC) which will bring together federal, state, and local law enforcement and regulatory professionals to discuss the latest trends in securities fraud. According to the press release, the goal of the ISC is to “strengthen the cohesion between federal, state, and local agencies, enhance opportunities to collaborate on cases to protect investors, provide insight and guidance across the ecosystem to those who may not frequently operate in this space, and create a forum for unified efforts in combatting financial fraud.” Those that participate will discuss the latest trends in financial fraud and mitigation strategies. There are currently more than 100 departments represented across state attorneys general offices as well as state and local police. SEC Division of Enforcement Director Gurbir Grewal (also the Chair of the ISC) noted that the Council “will help front line investigators stay abreast of emerging threats and fact patterns to protect their communities from securities fraud.”

Click here to read the SEC press release covering the launch of the Interagency Securities Council.