Ropes & Gray Hosts Podcast Covering Ethics, Morality, and Leadership on Wall Street

A recent podcast from Ropes & Gray interviews business professor Daniel Beunza, author of the book “Taking the Floor: Models, Morals, and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room.” In the podcast, Daniel discusses his findings about ethics, morality, and leadership in these highly intense and competitive settings. Daniel notes that relationships on the trading floor, as well as other in other business relationships that “people respond to their own values… addressing culture also needs to look into norms.” He noted that “people can have different values, and yet, adhere to the same informal norms.” Daniel discussed how values are important to safeguard against catastrophes such as the financial crisis in 2008, but norms are also important for people to adhere to. He highlights different ways values and norms can impact risk management on Wall Street and offers different scenarios detailing how challenges can impact culture in the financial services sector.

Click here to listen to the Ropes & Gray podcast.