MFDF Webinar: Board Oversight of Third Party Contracts - Building a Practical Oversight Process

Much of the day-to-day work of managing the funds that Boards oversee is dependent on a wide variety of third-party vendors—from significant vendors, such as pricing services, to printers and software vendors. In today’s interconnected world, we know that third-party vendors can create vulnerabilities and service issues. What is the appropriate role of the Board in overseeing these third-party relationships? What process can a Board build to be sure that the its primary service providers, such as the adviser and administrator, have robust contracting and vendor review protocols in place? Molly Moynihan, Partner at Perkins Coie, will discuss legal issues with respect to liability, oversight protocols and best practices, with a special emphasis on cybersecurity and related issues.
This webinar will be broadcast live from 2:00 to 3:00 Eastern time on Wednesday, May 31, 2017. Register online.